Formula E Mexico: Venturi welcomes Dragon Racing…

© DR

Venturi is delighted to congratulate the entire Dragon Racing Team for their victory in the Mexico City E-Prix in the 5th round of the 2015/2016 Formula-E Championship Series. After winning the pole position in the late morning, the Belgian driver of the USA based Dragon Team, Jerome D’Ambrosio, emerged from a difficult battle and held his place in the lead between ABT and Edams Renault.


Dragon’s victory brings a lot of satisfaction to Venturi Automobiles who designed the powertrain used by Dragon Racing. Their victory validates that Venturi Automobiles has made the right choices in technology and this is truly an inspiration for the young Venturi Formula-E sports team to look to make the most of their expertise for a Venturi win in the future.
Thierry Apparu,