2020 FIM Conference of the Commissions

Last weekend saw the annual FIM Conference of the Commissions, when all thirteen Commissions sporting and non-sporting gathered for this important meeting that welcomed almost three hundred FIM Family Members from all around the world, and yet again was declared a great success.

This meeting creates a unique opportunity for the commission members to meet and share ideas with their colleagues and with the FIM Board of Directors, the FIM Administration plus the FIM World Championship Promoters.

Diverse and different, but fundamentally linked aspects of the FIM’s core activities were addressed in the Plenary Session, which also showcased the Commissions’ activities. Following on from last year’s new initiative, FIM President Jorge Viegas again invited the FIM World Championship Promoters to join the Plenary Session. Each Commission Director and Promoter explained the main changes, projects and challenges for the year to come and the near future.

As part of the ongoing directive to open the FIM to the outside World, the FIM President welcomed international media from different disciplines, with representatives from Germany, Great Britain, France, Italy and Sweden to attend the Plenary Session for the first time.

In the framework of this Conference, the FIM Technical Commission hosted its first workshop, which was open to all FIM Family members and the international media in attendance. This event was headlined by three guest speakers – those being Jean-Philippe Cappelle – Michelin Competition 2 wheels Tyre Developer; Franco Gatto – Dainese D|air® System Coordinator and Professor Matteo Massaro – University of Padova who covered a wide range of engaging topics from their specialist spheres.

Over the weekend the various FIM Commissions conducted their own meetings to work on 2020 projects and activities. Everyone’s efforts and hard work over the two days were recognised and rewarded as the FIM Family as a whole enjoyed a cocktail and get together for a party at the FIM headquarters on Saturday evening.

Long and loyal service awards were presented to the following members:
10 years’ service: Mr Aboulwafa Amr (QAT/QMMF) – CMI; Mr Alfonso Bartolome (ESP/RFME) – CCR; Mr Collins John (GBR/ACU) – CEN; Mr Coutant Patrick (FRA/FFM) – CCR; Mr Crowther Kevin (USA/AMA) – CMS; Mr Durand Philippe (FRA/FFM) – CEN; Mr Maindron Jean Luc (FRA/FFM) – CRT; Mrs Marozza Francesca (ITA/FMI) – CAP; Mr Michaud Thierry (FRA/FFM) – CTR; Mr Olariu Sabin (ROU/FRM) – CMS; Mr Requejo Vives Carlos (ESP/RFME) – CCR; Mr Rietjens Patrik (BEL/FMB) – CMS; Mr Rutkowski Michal (POL/PZM) – CTR; Mr Sashidharan Anand (IND/FMSCI) – CJI; Mr Sikora Michal (POL/PZM) – CEN; Mr Szymanski Piotr (POL/PZM) – CCP; Mr Tsvetanov Ivo (BUL/BMF) – CMS; Mr Vayssié Franck (FRA/FFM) – CCR.

15 years’ service: Mr Pineo John (CAN/CMA) – CTL; Mr Rita José (POR/FMP) – CRT
20 years’ service: Mr Posselwhite Mike (GBR/ACU) – CCP; Mr Rida Sbai Larbi (MAR/FRMM) – CRT
25 years’ service: Mr Morais Sarmento Gonçalo (POR/FMP) – CMI
30 years’ service: Mr Bulcsu Rezső (HUN/MAMS) – CCR; Mr Chatterton-Ross (GBR) – CAP; Mr Eškinja Igor (CRO/HMS) – CCR
35 years’ service: Mr Moreau Jean-Pierre (FRA/FFM) – CAP

Honorary Members: Mr Barradas de Carvalho Castro António Rui (POR/FMP) – CTR; Mr Sungkar Faryd (INA/IMI) – CMS ; Mr Kraenzler Reinhard (FRA/FFM) – CMI; Mr Jan-Erik Sällqvist (SWE/SVEMO) – CMS ; Mr André Pahud (SUI/FMS) – CTI.

Expressing his satisfaction, the FIM President Jorge Viegas said: « The FIM depends on the Commissions and their expertise to deliver its events and its programmes. The Conference of the FIM Commissions is a key opportunity to meet their members and Directors as the year’s activities gear up. This event is also about thanking and rewarding the volunteers for their dedication and service to the FIM. Since last year I have welcomed the FIM World Championship promoters to participate in the plenary session. For the very first time, we have also invited international media from various disciplines to join the session so they could meet the people behind the scene of motorcycling. I will repeat this invitation in the future. One of my important wishes is to open the FIM to the outside world. »

Isabelle Larivière,